What is a CIL?

Centers for
Independent Living
Centers for Independent Living (CILs) are not-for-profit, non-residential organizations that assist individuals with disabilities by sharing the tools needed to take control of one’s own life. CILs also promote equal opportunities and access by breaking down barriers and prejudices within communities.
As a CIL, at least 51% of our Board of Directors and staff members must be individuals with disabilities who are mentors and strong advocates for disability rights and independent living.
Centers for Independent Living were created by the Rehabilitation Act of 1979. There are 22 CILs in the State of Illinois and over 400 Centers nationwide. They operate a wide variety of programs to promote the Independent Living philosophy.
Every Center for Independent Living has five core services they must provide: advocacy, peer support, information and referral, independent living skills training, and transition services. For more information on these five core services and other services LIFE CIL provides, visit the Services section.